Core Java. Lecture #8


Ivan Ponomarev,

RDBMS — Relational Database Management Systems

  • Existed since the 1970s.

  • The most common way of storing information in a wide variety of systems.

  • A wide variety of mature, stable and feature-rich products: IBM DB2, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Postgres, etc. etc.

  • The SQL language is standardized and varies slightly from system to system.

  • In modern "big data" realities various NoSQL systems are being used for different tasks, but RDBMS is still the leader in prevalence


  • "Java Database Connectivity"

  • Standard API for interaction with relational DBMS

  • Named after ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) for the C language developed by Microsoft

  • First version in 1996, current version is 4.3 (2017-09-21)

  • Actively used for decades

Application structure


JDBC Drivers

  • Developed by database vendors or communities

  • Good databases have stable, high quality drivers

Connection Strings aka Database URLs

In a manner specific to each driver, specify the server, port, database and other connection parameters:





Creating Connection, Statement, getting ResultSet and iterating over it


Getting the data and iteration

try (Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
     Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()){

  ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery("select name from speaker");

  while ( {



How to obtain JDBC Connection

What is written in many tutorials, and what you will never do in real life:

String connString = "jdbc:postgresql://"
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connString);

JDBC Connection features

  • Connection is a root object, "entry point" to all the interaction with the DBMS.

  • Created slowly (network connection with the DBMS, authorization, etc.).

  • Acquires resources: must be explicitly closed after use.

  • Tends to "spoil" (to "break" after some time).

  • Not thread-safe. Thread confinement is needed.

  • Workaround: connection pooling.

Connection Pool


Connection Pool

  • Difficult to implement on your own competently

  • Provided by your framework / JDBC driver

  • There is javax.sql.DataSource which is a standard interface for Connection Pool.

DataSource connectionPool = ...
try (Connection conn = connectionPool.getConnection()) {

Connection Pools (DataSource) implementations

  • Apache Commons DBCP

  • Hikari CP

  • Other frameworks or JDBC drivers (H2, for example)

Connection methods

  • transaction management

    • setAutoCommit

    • commit

    • rollback

  • statements creation:

    • createStatement() — creates a generic object for passing SQL commands

    • prepareStatement(String sql) — creates a parameterized SQL command template

    • prepareCall(String sql) — creates a template for calling a stored procedure

Varieties of Statements


Statement and PreparedStatement

int confId = ...
try (PreparedStatement stmt =
    "select name from talk where conferenceid = ?")) {
  //setting the parameter value
  //we count parameters starting from one, not zero!!
  stmt.setInt(1, confId);

  ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery();
  while ( {


SQL Injection

  • Let’s remember once and for all: you cannot build queries to the database based on the input from the user



 "SELECT * FROM users " +
 "WHERE name = '" +
 userName + "'");
PreparedStatement stmt =
  "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ?");
stmt.setString(1, userName);

SQL Injection

sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '" + userName + "'"

userName = "' OR '1'='1"

userName = "a';DROP TABLE users;"

//... and many other nasty things

SQL Injection


Demo example

  • Let’s write a database for talks at Java conferences

  • Main entities: at conferences there are speakers with their talks.

  • It happens that one talk is delivered with more than one speaker.

ER model


Our case study about talks and speakers


The real "layered" application architecture
