Core Java. Lecture #6


Ivan Ponomarev,

Before generics

Manager ceo = ...;
Manager cto = ...;
Employee cleaner = ...;
List managers = new ArrayList();


//typecast with runtime exception -- too late!
Manager m = (Manager) managers.get(2);

After generics

Manager ceo = ...;
Manager cto = ...;
Employee cleaner = ...;
List<Manager> managers = new ArrayList<>();

// won't compile!
// managers.add(cleaner);

// no type casting is needed!
Manager m = managers.get(1);

Defining our own parameterized class

public class Pair<T> {
  private T first;
  private T second;
  public Pair() { first = null; second = null; }
  public Pair(T first, T second) {
    this.first = first;
    this.second = second;
  public T getFirst() { return first; }
  public T getSecond() { return second; }
  public void setFirst(T newValue) { first = newValue; }
  public void setSecond(T newValue) { second = newValue; }

Definition and use

Pair<String> pair = new Pair<>("John", "Mary");

//Which is equivalent to replacing T with String
Pair(String, String)
String getFirst()
String getSecond()
void setFirst(String)
void setSecond(String)

Generic methods

public <T> T getRandomItem(T... items) {
  return items[ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(items.length)];

String s = getRandomItem("A", "B", "C");
Manager m = getRandomItem(ceo, cto, cfo);

Another example

public <T> T getRandomItem(List<T> items) {
  T result =
  return result;

Intermediate conclusions

  • Using parameterized classes is simple (just specify parameters, List<Manager>)

  • Using parameterized methods is even simpler: type inference: Manager m = getRandomItem(…​);

  • Writing your own parameterized classes and methods is a more complex task.

Bounded types

public <T extends Person> String getRandomPersonName(List<T> items) {
  Person result = //you can write T result = … as well

  return result.getName();

Intersection types

//you can add with ampersand as many interfaces as you like,
//but not more than one class
public <T extends Person & Payable>
  String getRandomNameAndPayment(List<T> items) {
  T result =
    return result.getName() //from Person!
         + result.getPayment(); //from Payable!

Implementation of generics

  • Appeared in Java 5

  • There was a problem of backward compatibility

  • Generic classes is a language capability, not a platform capability

  • Type Erasure, damn it!

Raw types

Generic Type (source)

Raw Type (compiled)

class Pair<T> {
  private T first;
  private T second;
  Pair(T first,
       T second)
   {this.first = first;
    this.second = second;}
  T getFirst()
   {return first; }
  T getSecond()
   {return second; }
  void setFirst(T newValue)
   {first = newValue;}
  void setSecond(T newValue)
   {second = newValue;}
class Pair {
  private Object first;
  private Object second;
  Pair(Object first,
       Object second)
   {this.first = first;
    this.second = second;}
  Object getFirst()
   {return first; }
  Object getSecond()
   {return second; }
  void setFirst(Object newValue)
   {first = newValue;}
  void setSecond(Object newValue)
   {second = newValue;}

Bounded types instead of Object

Generic Type (source)

Raw Type (compiled)

class Pair<T extends Employee>{
  private T first;
  private T second;
  Pair(T first,
       T second)
   {this.first = first;
    this.second = second;}
  T getFirst()
   {return first; }
  T getSecond()
   {return second; }
  void setFirst(T newValue)
   {first = newValue;}
  void setSecond(T newValue)
   {second = newValue;}
class Pair {
  private Employee first;
  private Employee second;
  Pair(Employee first,
       Employee second)
   {this.first = first;
    this.second = second;}
  Employee getFirst()
   {return first; }
  Employee getSecond()
   {return second; }
  void setFirst(Employee newValue)
   {first = newValue;}
  void setSecond(Employee newValue)
   {second = newValue;}

Method calls

Source code


Pair<Manager> buddies =
  new Pair<>();

/*type control
in compile time*/

/*type cast is not needed*/
Manager buddy =
Pair buddies =
  new Pair();

/*type control is not needed --
everything was checked at compile time!*/

/*type cast inserted by compiler*/
Manager buddy =
  (Manager) buddies.getFirst();

Bridge methods to preserve polymorphism

Source code


class DateInterval extends
 Pair<LocalDate> {

 void setSecond(
        LocalDate second){
  if (second
class DateInterval extends Pair {

 void setSecond(
        LocalDate second){
  if (second

 //bridge method!!
 void setSecond(Object second){
   setSecond((LocalDate) second);

Summary: how it works

  • There are no parameterized classes in the JVM, only regular classes and methods.

  • Type parameters are replaced with Object or with boundary type.

  • Bridge methods are added to preserve polymorphism.

  • Type cast is added as needed.

Never use raw types

  • The ability to use raw types as variable types is reserved for backward compatibility with code written before Java5.

  • Java5 was released in 2004.

List<Manager> a = new ArrayList <> ();
//Raw type usage.
List b = a;
//Compiled and executed, the list is corrupted!
//Executed: list.get returned String as Object
//ClassCastException on execution
Manager m = a.get(0);

Understanding generics in Java is not about what you can do with them, but about what you can’t do with them.

Type Erase → unable to determine a type parameter in the runtime

//compilation error! we don't know the type parameter in the runtime!
if (a instanceof Pair<String>) ...

//that's how it goes...
if (a instanceof Pair<?>) ...

Erasing types to Object → not being able to use primitive types as parameters

//alas, impossible!
List<int>  integers = ... //compilation error!

List<Integer> integers = ...
integers.add(42); /*autoboxing under the hood:
int v = integers.get(0); /*unboxing under the hood:
v = integers.get(0).intValue();*/

Generics and primitives

  • Today: Need performance? — we write special implementations.

    • In the Standard Library: Stream<Integer>IntStream Stream<Double>DoubleStream.

    • In specialized libraries like fastutil: ArrayList<Integer>IntArrayList, HashMap<Integer, V>Int2ObjectMap<V> (WARNING: the real need for such libraries is rare!!)

  • Tomorrow: Project Valhalla, specialized generics. Will solve the problem once and for all.

Parameter types cannot be instantiated

class Pair<T> {

    T newValue {
      return new T(); //alas, compilation error!

Solved by metaclass and reflection (which we will talk about it later)

class Container<T> {
//  bounded wildcard type, to be explained later
  Class <? extends T> clazz;

  Container(Class<? extends T> clazz) {
    this.clazz = clazz;

  T newInstance() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
   //if there is an accessible constructor without parameters!
    return clazz.newInstance();

Container<Employee> container1 = new Container<>(Employee.class);

Moreover, you cannot instantiate a type-parameter array

public T[] toArray(){
    //Won't compile
    return new T[size];

It is solved by passing a parameter, for example, to ArrayList:

/* If the array is of sufficient size - use it,
if it's too small - we construct a new one via reflection*/
public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a)

Arrays and generics are enemies

//Won't compile: Generic Array Creation.
List<String>[] a = new ArrayList<String>[10];
//...because such an array will not have
//the full type information about its elements!

Hammer the values into an array with a sledgehammer and make a heap pollution

List<String>[] a = (List<String>[])new List <?> [10];
Object[] objArray = a;

objArray[0] =  List.of("foo");

a[1] = List.of(new Manager()); //won't compile!

objArray[1] =  List.of(new Manager()); //will compile and run!

//Runtime error: Manager cannot be cast to String
String s = a[1].get(0);
//...and this is what is called heap pollution.

Varargs — still an array…​

The same heap pollution as in the previous example:

static void dangerous(List<String>... stringLists){
  List<Integer> intList = List.of(42);
  Object[] objects = stringLists;
  objects[0] = intList;
  String s = stringLists[0].get(0);

dangerous(new ArrayList<>());

The compiler anticipates something…​


To calm the compiler down, you need to put the annotation @SafeVarargs:

/*I solemnly promise I will not
do heap pollution!*/
static void dangerous(List<String>...

…​and the compiler will calm down.


  • That’s because having varargs with parameterized types is convenient!..

    • List.of(E…​ a)

    • Collections.addAll(Collection<? super T> c, T…​ elements)

    • EnumSet.of(E first, E…​ rest)

  • If you behave well, you can use @SafeVarargs, and everything will be fine:

    • Do not write anything to the elements of the array,

    • Do not pass a reference to the array of parameters to the outside methods.

You cannot parameterize

  • Exceptions

    • catching exceptions is checking their types,

    • raw types is everything we can check in the runtime.

  • Anonymous classes

    • Instantiated in place, there cannot be multiple classes parameterized differently.

  • Enums.

Type parameters cannot be used in a static context

public class Container<T> {
    private static T value; //will not compile.
    public static T getValue(); //will not compile

//Static context is one for all

You cannot implement different parameterizations of the same interface in one class

Source code


class Employee implements
  int compareTo(Employee e){
class Manager
  extends Employee
  Comparable<Manager> {
  int compareTo(Manager m){
class Manager
  extends Employee
  implements Comparable{

  //bridge method for Employee
  int compareTo(Object m) {
    return compareTo((Manager) m);

  //bridge method for Manager
  int compareTo(Object e) {
    return compareTo((Employee) e);


Array covariance vs generic invariance

Manager[] managers = ...
Employee lowlyEmployee = ...
Employee[] e = managers;
/*ArrayStoreException in runtime*/
e[0] = lowlyEmployee;
List<Manager> managers = ...
Employee lowlyEmployee = ...
/*Just won't compile*/
List<Employee> e = managers;

Real picture


What if you want this?

MyList<Manager> managers = ...
MyList<Employee> employees = ...

//Valid options, we want these to be compilable!

//Invalid options, we don't want these to be compilable!

It won’t work this way…​

//only identically typed lists can be copied
class MyList<E> implements Iterable<E> {
    void add(E item) { ... }
    void addAllFrom(MyList<E> list) {
        for (E item : list) this.add(item);
    void addAllTo(MyList<E> list) {
        for (E item : this) list.add(item);
MyList<Manager> managers = ...;  MyList<Employee> employees = ...;

employees.addAllFrom(managers); managers.addAllTo(employees);

Java Covariant Wildcard Types

class MyList<E> implements Iterable<E> {
    //MyList<Manager> will do as a MyList<Employee>!!
    void addAllFrom (MyList<? extends E> list){
       for (E item: list) add(item);

What can be done with an object typed ? extends?

List<? extends E> list = ...

//it's understandable
E e1 = list.get(...);

E e2 = ...;
//won't compile! WHY??
//will compile. WHY??

In general, addAllTo will not work using ? extends…​

The opposite case (contravariant types)

class MyList<E> implements Iterable<E> {
    //MyList<Person> will do as MyList<Employee>!!
    void addAllTo (MyList<? super E> list) {
       for (E item: this) list.add(item);

What can be done with an object typed ? super?

List<? super E> list = ...

E e1 = ...;
//will compile!

//Just Object. WHY??
Object e2 = list.get(...);

Unbounded wildcard

  • List<?> — is the same as List<? extends Object>. (Question: why not <? super Object>?)

  • We can read elements, but only as Object.

  • We can put only `null`s.

Mnemonic rule


Producer Extends, Consumer Super

public static <T> T max (Collection<? extends T> coll,
                         Comparator<? super T> comp)

Collections.max(List<Integer>, Comparator<Number>)

Collections.max(List<String>, Comparator<Object>)

Rules for using wildcard types

  • Used in method arguments and local variables.

  • Should not be returned. Their goal is to accept the arguments that need to be accepted and to reject the arguments that need to be rejected.

  • Must be used in the API, otherwise the API will be too "oburate" and unusable.

Wildcard Capture

public static void swap(Pair<?> p) {
  Object f = p.getFirst();
  Object s = p.getSecond();
  // (we know that they have the correct type,
  //  but there's nothing we can do)

Method with type capture

public static void swap(Pair<?> p) {

private static <T> void swapHelper(Pair<T> p) {
  T f = p.getFirst();

Recursive Generics

class Holder<E, SELF extends Holder<E, SELF>>{
    E value;
    SELF setValue(E value){
        this.value = value;
        return (SELF) this;

class StringHolder extends Holder<String, StringHolder> {
    void doSmth() {...};

new StringHolder().setValue("aaa").doSmth();

What to read and watch

Nada Amin & Rose Tate’s example

class Unsound {
  static class Constrain<A, B extends A> {}
  static class Bind<A> {
    <B extends A>
    A upcast(Constrain<A,B> constrain, B b) {
      return b;
  static <T,U> U coerce(T t) {
    Constrain<U,? super T> constrain = null;
    Bind<U> bind = new Bind<U>();
    return bind.upcast(constrain, t);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String zero = Unsound.<Integer,String>coerce(0);

Radu Grigore’s Example

class Sample {

  interface BadList<T> extends List<List<? super BadList<? super T>>> {}

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BadList<? super String> badList = null;
    List<? super BadList<? super String>> list = badList;