One Source to Rule Them All

Kotlin DSLs as a Single Source of Truth for Multiple Tasks

Ivan Ponomarev


Ivan Ponomarev

  • Staff Engineer @

  • Teaching Java @ Northeastern University London

What do we need DSLs for?

  1. Code can be written by a subject-matter expert, not a programmer

What do we need DSLs for (in real life)?

  1. Sometimes code can be written by a subject-matter expert, not a programmer

  2. Often code can be read by a subject-matter expert

What do we need DSLs for (in real life)?

  1. Sometimes code can be written by a subject-matter expert, not a programmer

  2. Often code can be read by a subject-matter expert

  3. DSL code is the single source of truth for many tasks/aspects of the project

DSLs external and internal

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Martin Fowler, Rebecca Parsons. Domain-Specific Languages

fowler dsl

Types of external DSLs

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Designed from scratch
  • DOT (GraphViz), PlantUML, gnuplot…​

  • HCL (Hashicorp Configuration Language)

  • Gherkin (Cucumber framework’s language)

Types of external DSLs

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Based on general purpose markup language
  • YAML: OpenAPI, Ansible, GithubActions, k8s definitions…​

  • JSON: Vue i18n files


Internal DSLs

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Subset of a dynamically typed language
  • Lisp (historically first): Emacs Lisp, Symbolic Mathematics etc.

  • Ruby: Rails, RSpec, Chef…​

  • Groovy: Spock, Ratpack, Grails, Gradle, Jenkinsfile…​

Internal DSLs

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Subset of a statically typed language
  • Scala: Scalatest, Akka HTTP…​

  • Haskell: Parsec

  • Kotlin: Kotlinx.html, Ktor, Gradle,…​


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IDE support

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IDE support

diag 37bb363e368a1594a6f2b566ca83b7d4

IDE support

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IDE support

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Security Concerns

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* Does not mean that you are safe, e.g. google for "Billion_laughs_attack"

Kotlin language features for DSL building


DSL syntax

General syntax

Extension functions

/* there isn’t first() method
in mylist collection*/

Infix functions

1 to "one""one")

Operators overloading

collection += element

Type aliases

typealias Point = Pair

Creating empty inheritors classes and other duct tapes

Kotlin language features for DSL building (continued)


DSL syntax

General syntax

get/set methods convention

map["key"] = "value"
map.put("key", "value")

Destructuring declaration

val (x, y) = Point(0, 0)
val p = Point(0, 0)
val x = p.first
val y = p.second

Lambda out of parentheses

list.forEach { ... }

Lambda with receiver

Person().apply { name = «John» }


Context control



Demo time!

One source to be used in

  1. Execution of rules

  2. Documentation

  3. Visualization

  4. Validation

  5. Serialization ("free" JSON/YAML based DSL version for our Kotlin DSL)

Mixing DSL and code

We can leave extension points in our builder:

//In our example
customCondition { Random.nextDouble() < .88} invokes TransformationC

//Or in some other DSL
customBusinessRule { checkSmthProgramatically() }

Great for describing business rules (state-transition model, for example), especially if DSL defines only part of rules, which is usually the case.

Infix functions don’t work on this

    brightonKotlin {
        //Cannot get rid of paretheses (unlike Groovy)
        talk ("Talk 1") deliveredBy {
            speaker ("Speaker 1")
            speaker ("Speaker 2")
        talk ("Talk 2") deliveredBy {
            speaker ("Speaker 3")

Infix functions don’t work on this: a workaround

    brightonKotlin {
        //Cannot get rid of paretheses
        + "Talk 1" deliveredBy {
            + "Speaker 1"
            + "Speaker 2"
        + "Talk 2" deliveredBy {
            + "ssd"
            + "Speaker 3"


    talk ("Talk 1") deliveredBy {
        talk (...) // ???


annotation class MeetupDsl

class MeetupBuilder { ... }

class SpeakersBuilder { ... }

Reading/watching suggestions

jemerov kotlin

Examples for your inspiration


  • DSL combined with designed patterns is a powerful tool for solving multiple tasks

  • Creating DSLs in Kotlin is not scary. You can improve parts of your existing internal APIs today making them "DSL-like"

  • Internal Kotlin DSLs are not the only way to implement DSLs, but definitely not the worst one in many scenarious.

Thanks for listening!


Code and slides are available on GitHub
